Do You Want To Know The Detail Info of PeyPey Dy?

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Coupon KING: Hello, how are you?

Peypey Dy: Hello, I’m fine.

Coupon KING: What is your real name?

Peypey Dy: My real name is Sem Londy.

Coupon KING: Where were you born?

Peypey Dy: I’m not a city person, I was born in Kandal Province.

Coupon KING: Where do you study?

Peypey Dy: I graduated from SETEC Institute, majoring Interior Design.

Coupon KING: What is your occupation?

Peypey Dy: Currently, I am working in a company. Sometimes, I also invite to take spot for some products.

Coupon KING: Why do you decide to create Facebook page?

Peypey Dy: Well, the page Peypey Dy is not create by me. One of my friend creates it for me, then he adds me as an admin.

Coupon KING: Why you decide to put Peypey Dy as a fake name?

Peypey Dy: First, I don’t want to fake my name. But around 3 years ago, I started to make video because some of Facebook players made video to troll me. I just replied them by making video too.

Coupon KING: Do your fans ever upset you by share and comment?

Peypey Dy: In our real life and the life on Facebook is the same. It is normal that if my fans admire me by comment or share my post, I would be happy. And if my haters share or comment something bad, it makes me upset too.

Coupon KING: What project you are currently working on? Which project is going to release first in coming days?

Peypey Dy: Nowadays, I am one of the actor in one movie called “Chivit nek prodal” but I’m not pretty sure when that movie will be released.

Coupon KING: In the next 5 years or in the future, do you plan for something? Marriage life? Working?

Peypey Dy: I’m not so sure yet. Even tomorrow, I also don’t plan for it too.

Coupon KING:  What do you usually do during your freetime?

Peypey Dy: Well, I normally hang out, watch movie and do some activities that make me happy.

Coupon KING: Thank you for spending your time! I wish you success in your working life.

Peypey Dy: I’m glad that Coupon KING interview me. See you later!